
Acacia and honey the history of the “most Hungarian tree”.


Carpathian Basin Natural Values Film Review


Short film


May 19, 2023 10:35 AM

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May 20, 2023 10:55 AM

Sir David Attenborough Kertmozi

May 21, 2023 4:10 PM

Jacques-Yves Cousteau Barokk színházterem

Készítés éve: 2022

Ország: Hungary

Forgatás helyszínei: Budapest, Szarvas, Csemő, Istenmezeje, Heves-alatka, Kiskunhalas, Gödöllő, Nyíradony, Gúth, CSönge, Albertirsa, Tarnaméra, Bábolna

Film hossza: 35:0 perc

Eredeti nyelv: magyar

Rendező: Poroszka Magyar Zsolt

Producer: Poroszka - Bíró Patrícia

Forgalmazó: OMME, White Horse Film Hungary


There is a tree species that came from another continent, even though it feels best here in the Carpathian Basin. There is a tree species that most Hungarians consider to be the tree of the nation. There is a tree species that is the most controversial to hear about. There is a tree species that has stepped out of the political arena and has come into the crossfire of public opinion involving several professions. There is a tree species whose honey is one of the best known in the world.

Rendező biográfia:

Zsolt Poroszka Magyar was born in 1987. He graduated from Gödöllő, /Hungary/, with a degree in agricultural engineer on bee bioligist, wildlife biologist, fish biologist. He works as a beekeeper and nature filmmaker. Selected filmography: Pusztafogacs (2010) Ballad of bees (2015) How it’s made: Honey (2016) Bee pastures (2017) Finding Bees (2018) AZORES - São Miguel, Pico, Faial (2019) One year in the apiary (2020) The four seasons of beekeeping - SPRING (2021)