
Balaton intruders - Invasive species on Lake Balaton and its watershed


Carpathian Basin Natural Values Film Review


Short film


May 20, 2023 12:45 PM

Jacques-Yves Cousteau Barokk színházterem

May 21, 2023 3:30 PM

Jacques-Yves Cousteau Barokk színházterem

Készítés éve: 2022

Ország: Hungary

Forgatás helyszínei: Balaton és vízgyűjtő területe

Film hossza: 36:35 perc

Eredeti nyelv: magyar

Rendező: Drexler Szilárd

Producer: Balatoni Limnológiai kutatóintézet

Forgalmazó: Balatoni Limnológiai kutatóintézet


In Lake Balaton and its catchment area, non-native species are appearing in increasing numbers, which are also dealt with by the staff of the Balaton Limnological Research Institute. Some of the presented species have already conquered the area, others are becoming dangerous for the native wildlife due to the warming climate and habitat degradation.

Rendező biográfia:

Szilárd Drexler got in touch with filmmaking at the Hungarian Ornithological Association, for a long time he worked with the Natura editorial team of Hungarian Television, making several nature and documentary films. He often shooting and editing his own work.