
Polarized Adventures


Carpathian Basin Natural Values Film Review


Nature film


May 19, 2023 12:50 PM

Jane Goodall Lovarda nagyterem

May 21, 2023 4:50 PM

Jacques-Yves Cousteau Barokk színházterem

Készítés éve: 2022

Ország: Hungary

Forgatás helyszínei: Pilis hegység, Börzsöny hegység, Balaton, Tahitótfalu, Szentendre, Tivadar

Film hossza: 60:36 perc

Eredeti nyelv: magyar

Rendező: Kriska György

Producer: Babinszki Edit

Forgalmazó: Rocky Shore Pictures


Some visual information has helped the insects to survive for millions of years but since we humans have started to alternate the physical environment animals are getting more and more false - and often fatal - signals. Reflections from artificial surfaces basically from all shiny objects, represent ecological traps for billions of animals on a daily basis. The Polarized Adventures provides an insider look of the latest research on the phenomena and helps us find solutions.

Rendező biográfia:

A scientific advisor at Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Centre for Ecological Research and associate professor at Eötvös University. His research interest is polarised light pollution and polarisation ecological traps. In 2019, he became 1st at the Gödöllő International Nature Film Festival with his film ”The water spider is the miraculous spider”. In 2022, with his son together, they became 1st in the same place in the Nature Films-Short Films category with their film ”The Danube Mayfly Mystery".