
A Butterfly´s Tale


International Nature and Environment Film Review


Nature film


May 19, 2023 3:15 PM

Jacques-Yves Cousteau Barokk színházterem

Készítés éve: 2021

Ország: Germany

Forgatás helyszínei: Austria, Germany, Romania

Film hossza: 50:0 perc

Eredeti nyelv: English

Rendező: Jan Haft

Producer: Melanie Haft



"A Butterlfy´s Tale" is a nature film in the guise of a road movie. Filmmaker Jan Haft and his team go in search of one of Europe's rarest butterflies.

Rendező biográfia:

CEO nautilusfilm GmbH, scriptwriter, director & cinematographer; Studied Biology and Geology in Munich & Würzburg. 1996 Founder of nautilusTV GbR, Munich; 2000 Founder & CEO of nautilusfilm GmbH, Dorfen. Until 2022 he has made several films which won awards like: 42x „Best of festival“ Awards, 3 Panda Awards (Wildscreen), 2 Awards at Jackson Wild, over 250 Awards worldwide. 2010 Panda Award, Best Cinematography for The Forest, Wildscreen, UK; 2014 German Biodiversity Award, Jan Haft; 2014 Grimme-Preis Nomination for „The Moor“; 2017 Görlitzer Meridian (Nature Film Award), Jan & Melanie Haft; 2022 American Society of Cinematographers nomination “Hidden Life of Trees” for an ASC Documentary Award. He has three Hardcover books published by Randomhouse.