
In a Hotter World


International Nature and Environment Film Review


Short film category


May 19, 2023 1:05 PM

Jacques-Yves Cousteau Barokk színházterem

May 19, 2023 10:40 AM

Sir David Attenborough Kertmozi

May 20, 2023 1:15 PM

Sir David Attenborough Kertmozi

May 21, 2023 2:49 PM

Sir David Attenborough Kertmozi

Készítés éve: 2021

Ország: Pakistan

Forgatás helyszínei: Pakistan

Film hossza: 24:31 perc

Eredeti nyelv: English, Urdu

Rendező: Abdullah Khan

Producer: Andrew Tkach



There is a place in southern Pakistan that may foretell our planet’s future. The Thar desert is an unforgiving landscape where temperatures reach 50o Celsius and it usually rains only 25 cm a year. Surviving in Thar is a real struggle and a testament to the resilience of both people and wildlife, forced to endure in a hotter world.

Rendező biográfia:

Abdullah is a Producer & Director of factual documentaries from Pakistan. His journey to visual storytelling started with his interest in wildlife photography, which he turned into a career. He has worked as Science Communicator with Pakistan Wildlife Foundation, as a Cameraman with Walkabout films and Director of Photography at ABD Media.